At Destiny Talent Competition studios will notice that we do not feature a Photogenic Award. It is our feeling that ALL dancers are beautiful, regardless of how one looks! Instead, with our Destined To Lead Award, we have chosen something far more important which is highlighting dancers who consisently give back to their community. We feel the character of a dancer is something that requires determination, dedication, and heart. These are all attributes that one must learn and build from, whereas the physical appearance of a dancer cannot be controlled, nor should it define anyone.

Students can register for this award prior to each competition and will be invited to provide a brief essay on their achievements and community service. In each city our judges will narrow the submissions to the top three finalists. All three finalists will be brought to the stage and introduced after which the winner will be announced.

Our winner in each city will receive:

  1. A beautiful banner commemorating their hard work and dedication.

  2. A scholarship good for one free solo entry fee towards any future Destiny Talent Competition.

  3. Each winner will be prominently featured on our website as well as Destiny Talent Competition social media.

At the end of each season - our judges will select one overall winner who will then be awarded one solo entry per year FOR LIFE!

Good luck to all of the Destined to Lead contestants, we are truly looking forward to learning about all of the good that the dancers across the nation are doing for their communities!